Growing Lilies
Planting bulbs in the ground:
Plant the bulbs as soon as purchased, weather permitting. If this is not possible keep the bulbs in the coolest place which must be frost free.
Lilies like a rich soil and require good drainage. Work the soil to a depth of about 20cm and incorporate a generous amount of well rotted manure and compost. Set the bulbs at a depth of 10 to 15cm according to size, and if the soil is of a heavy nature or badly drained they should be placed on a layer of sharp sand.
To obtain best results in years-to-come add a fresh top dressing in Autumn when plants have died down. Water should be applied liberally during prolonged dry periods.
Growing Lilies in Pots:
The soil mixture should be free draining yet moisture retaining and is best made up of loam, peat and leaf mould with some well rotted manure incorporated; fresh manure is not suitable.
The pots should be plunged in a shady part of the garden up to the rim and covered with a further layer of leaves or bracken to prevent drying out. When the top growth has attained a height of 7cm, the pots may be transferred to a cool greenhouse or cold frame, the temperature not exceeding 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Water should be given sparingly, sufficient to keep the soil moist but not wet and plenty of ventilation should be allowed.
The more naturally the plants are grown, the better the results will be. Tall plants may require staking. Lilies thrive in sunny or semi-shade. Feed with Miracle-Gro. Watch out for lily beetle, treat using Bug Clear Ultra or Provado Ultimate Bug Killer.
Lilies thrive in sunny or semi-shade. They may be left in the ground over winter in free draining soils. Foliage should be left to die down naturally.