Agapanthus Gall Midge
Agapanthus Gall Midge is becoming a more widespread pest that attacks the buds and flowers of Agapanthus. It was originally from South Africa and found in Surrey but is now being found throughout the UK and some parts on Europe. An understanding of its lifecycle may help with managing the severity of infection: – Adult…
Leatherjackets in Lawns
Leatherjackets are the pupal stage of the Crane Fly or Daddy Long Legs You may have seen a number of small grey grubs in your lawn when you mow or trim the edges – these are most likely the larvae of Crane Flies, known as ‘Leatherjackets’. These grubs are laid by adult Daddy Long Legs…
Slugs and Snails
The bane of many growers, slugs and snails have long been ‘Enemy Number One’ to British gardens. The combination of mild winters and wet weather is perfect conditions for these molluscs to thrive in. Seedlings and new growth in the spring are firm favourites to get targeted and chomped by our slimy residents. What steps…
Honey Fungus Treatment
Armillaria mellea – Honey Fungus – Armillaria Root Rot Honey Fungus is usually detected in the Autumn when toadstools appear around dead and dying plants. They are one of the most prevalent root diseases, parasitizing many plant species and infecting neighboring plants through the soil. Although these fungi can become a serious disease for gardeners,…
Deer Resistant Plants
The following varieties are relatively deer resistant plants. Agapanthus Aquilegia Azalea (deciduous) Bamboo Berberis (not purple-leaved) Box Buddleja davidii Chaenomeles Choisya ternate Chrysanthemum maximum Cistus Clematis spp. Cotinus coggygria (not purple) Cornus sanguinea Daphne spp. Delphinium Forsythia Foxglove Gaultheria shaallon Goosberry Hellebores Hippophaerhamnoides Honeysuckle Hydrangea Jasmine (Winter/Summer types) Kerria japonica Kniphofia Lavender Lonicera Nitida Lupins…
Rabbit Resistant Plants
Some information on rabbits Rabbits are a common garden pest, particularly in rural areas. They have been known to inflict sunstantial damage to trees, shrubs and perennials, with the tell-tale signs of rabbit droppings and stripped bark around the bases of woody trees. They generally do most of their feeding under cover of darkness, however…
Feed and Disease
Feed: General balanced compound fertilizers: Growmore or Fish, Blood and Bone – apply in spring, two weeks before planting Foliar feeds: mixed with water and sprayed onto foliage. Regarded as a quick fix and can often be wasteful. Do not apply during direct sunlight as can cause scorching. Compost tea: Brewed compost mix that is…
Scale Insect Control
A wide range of ornamental plants and fruit trees grown out of doors can be attacked. Several species of scale insects are confined to plants growing in glasshouses or other sheltered places. Scales or shell-like bumps can be seen on stems and the underside of leaves. Heavy infestations may result in poor growth. Some species…
Vine Weevil Control
Plants growing in pots or other containers, out of doors or under cover, can be severely affected by vine weevil grubs. Plants growing in the open ground are less likely to be damaged, although the grubs sometimes kill strawberries, primulas, polyanthus, Sedum, Heuchera and young yew plants. The adult beetles feed on the foliage of…