When creating a nature friendly garden one of the most important principles to follow is to strive for as much variety as possible. In general, the greater the diversity of habitat you can provide the greater will be the range of species your garden will attract.
Below is a list of plants that are suitable for creating a wildlife garden:
- Aubretia
- Berberis
- Birch
- Blackthorn
- Bramble
- Buddleia
- Bugle
- Catmint
- Cornflower
- Cowslip
- Dandelion
- Dock
- Dog violet
- Evening primrose
- Field scabious
- Forget-me-not
- Foxglove
- Globe thistle
- Golden rod
- Hawthorn
- Heather
- Hebe
- Helemium
- Holly
- Hollyhock
- Honesty
- Honeysuckle
- Hyssop Ice plant
- Lavender
- Lime
- Mallow
- Majoram
- Mint
- Nettle
- Oak
- Ox-eye daisy
- Plantain
- Primrose
- Privett
- Purple loosestrife
- Ragged robin
- Red campion
- Red clover
- Rock rose
- Rosemary
- Rowan
- Sage
- St John’s wort
- Sea holly
- Sea kale
- Sweet william
- Teasel
- Thistle
- Thrift
- Thyme
- Toadflax
- Tobacco
- Wallflower
- Wild strawberry
- Willow
- Yarrow
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